Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Good Morning

Summer is officially here.  What I like about warmer weather is the way it draws people outside.  In winter we tend to hibernate, but in summer, we garden, we BBQ, we play and relax more, and we walk more.
I’ve been enjoying the process of transplanting flowers and watching seeds push up their first leaves.  It makes me happy to see vibrant colour where once there was only brown.

BBQ season means hospitality in our home.  One of these days I intend to invite some of our neighbours over.  A number of us have fire pits, so the summer season also brings with it the nostalgic smell of wood smoke and relaxed gatherings around the campfire (not to mention wiener roasts and ‘smores).

Call me old-fashioned, but my favourite moments outside have been simply sitting on our porch swing in the backyard or under our gazebo on an old coach with strings of Christmas lights providing ambience.  It’s getting trickier though, with canker worms and mosquitoes starting to join us.

I like to walk in the mornings.  I usually end up across the river as I enjoy the change of scenery and the landscaping ideas.  This year, the river itself has been fascinating as the water levels fluctuate.

What I’ve found most fascinating, though, is the power of a cheerful “Good morning”.  I’m a bit of an introvert by nature—more shy than bold and more of a responder than an initiator.

When I have chosen to make eye contact and smile, followed by a heartfelt “Good morning”, I have been pleasantly surprised by the results.  I used to only do this when the person approaching me seemed likely to respond in kind or seemed similar to me.  Now I try it with most anyone.  It doesn’t always work, due to earphones or an averted gaze.  Not everyone feels trusting enough or has even grown up with the idea.  I, however, grew up in a small town where it was offensive not to wave or at least lift a finger off the steering wheel when meeting another vehicle—and everyone knew everyone.

Living in the city, in a culture of independence and isolation, I don’t expect people to greet me.  But when they make eye contact and return the smile and the “good morning”, it is unbelievable what a boost to my day that small connection brings.  It’s such a great high, I think it’s almost addicting.  

I asked myself, “Why does such a small act make such a big difference in how I feel?”  I believe it’s because we, as humans, were made for relationship.  When we connect in even the simplest way, we light up and our burdens lighten, too.

When was the last time you said, “Good morning” to a complete stranger?  I challenge you to try it.  Don’t give up if you get blank looks or uncomfortable silences.  Start with warmth in your eyes and a smile on your face.  It gets easier with practice.  Once you get your first “Good morning” back, you’ll be hooked!

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